Our Retail Consultants have seen their share of busy holiday weekends.
Memorial Day weekend is the kickoff to the busy summer season. Now is the time to start stocking up to ensure your store is ready for this big weekend and the months following.
Below are some recommendations from our expert Retail Consultants that you won’t want to run out of this Memorial Day.

Rick, Retail Consultant
Stock up on extra F’real and Frazil flavors, customers will be looking for an icy treat. Sweet Soaker candy water guns are a great novelty item to put in a visible spot – the perfect mix of candy and keeping the kids cool.
Don’t neglect your store’s needs like printer tape, cups and lids, can liners, bathroom supplies, and cleaning essentials. If you make your own ice, be sure you have extra ice bags on hand. And be sure to get those new hires trained for the long lines that await!
Greg, Retail Consultant
Simple things are important, like ensuring adequate stock of ice, water, and cold beverages. For stores near parks, picnic items sell well – paper plates, solo cups, and napkins. For stores on the way to a campground it is crucial to have a good supply of s’mores items – merchandise them together in a high visibility area for great results!

Ron, Retail Consultant
Memorial day means outdoor activities. In addition to the items Greg mentioned, fishing gear, batteries, bug spray, and sunscreen are big hits. Outdoor activities also mean beer, so be sure you’ve got a good supply of Clamato juice and cups to go with it.
Todd, Retail Consultant
You’ve got sunblock, but do you have the aloe for when it’s already too late? Clean or service ice makers and make sure you’ve got multiple sizes of styrofoam coolers ready.

Curtis, Regional Sales Manager
Stock up and bring the heat! Be sure you’re ready to make all kinds of fires with firewood, charcoal, lighter fluid, matches, and BIC lighters. Keep your customers safe and hydrated – fire means water, so keep some extra cases of top selling Crystal Geyser on hand.